03 June 2009

SAINTS ALIVE!!! not really....

And No...I don't want Angry Emails b/c of this...I just found this Interesting that there are Little Known Patron Saints in the Catholic Church:

June 15: Saint Germain Cousin, Patron Saint of Abused Children

This poor victim of child abuse never had the love of her father or step-mother. They made her tend the sheep and she was made to sleep in the stable under a stairway. She attended daily Mass, leaving her flock in the care of God. She shared her dry bread as alms to others. Finally she was found one morning, dead on her vine twig mattress.

We do not know what happened to her parents, but we can surmise that they went to hell if they did not mend their ways.

PRAYER: Saint Germain, many children are abused today most horribly by their parents. Help these poor victims to rise above abuse and use it to sanctify their lives and thus obtain their true home in heaven, since they have no home here on earth. Amen

August 25: Saints Genesius, Patron Saint of Actors

Likewise at Rome, of Saint Genesius the Martyr, who while he remained a heathen was an actor. When he was mocking the Christian mysteries in the theatre in the presence of the Emperor Diocletian, being inspired by God, he was suddenly converted to the faith and baptised.

Forthwith by the Emperor's command he was cruelly scourged with rods, then stretched upon the rack, and tormented by the long-continued tearing of his flesh with hooks, and also burnt with torches. But he continued in the faith of Christ, saying: There is no King but Christ, and though I be slain a thousand times for Him, yet ye cannot take Him from my heart or my mouth; and thus he merited the palm of martyrdom by beheading. Although the Martyrology does not relate that he was never baptized, events make this presumption reasonable. Here we have another actor converted in the midst of his blasphemy. May God inspire the many actors today engaged in promoting all manner of sin to leave their sinful life.

At Arles in France, of another blessed Genesius, who undertook the office of copyist. When he refused to transcribe the impious edicts whereby the Christians were ordered to be punished, and, casting away his books, in public proclaimed himself a Christian, he was taken and beheaded, and received the glory of martyrdom, being baptised in his own blood.

PRAYER: Saint Genesius, lead all actors to perform only those things which are right and good and to avoid the many evils which they are given over to today. Amen

November 9: Saint Mathurin ( Patron Saint of Epilepsy and the Insane )

Here is a saint,that must have always enjoyed a good joke, for he is the patron saint of jokers and those who are employed to amuse the public.

His father was employed in the persecution and martyring of Christians. Despite this Polycarp baptized him secretly at age twelve. From that day he observed his duty in piety, by praying for the conversion of his mother and father. His prayer was rewarded by the eventual conversion of both. Let us learn that we have a duty to pray for our parents, especially when they do not live the Catholic way of life.

He was notable for driving out demons and calming the possessed. For this reason he is also invoked in cases of insanity, epilepsy and fer, because many time all three are a result of the influence of Satan. Many of the mental problems we see today are due to satanic influence!

PRAYER: Saint Mathurin help all to become free from the influence of the devil, which is driving them crazy. Amen.

May 4: Saint Monica Patroness of Alcoholics and Fraternal Correction

The story of Saint Monica should be familiar to mothers. She spent years praying for her son, Saint Augustine's, conversion. She was rewarded and soon went to her heavenly reward.

She was also married to a belligerent man, who treated her poorly and yet she did not complain at all. She was beaten and she did not complain to friends, who knew that she was treated far worse than any other woman in town. We should all learn to pray to God to have the offender change and then take whatever comes to us from our families, good or bad, without complaint: For a man's enemies are of his own household. (Matthew 10:36)

Further as a teenager she was commissioned by her parents to draw wine for dinner. As she drew it she began each day to take a little more, until she was taking a cup a day. A servant fraternally corrected her and from that day she no longer stayed on the course to drunkenness and alcoholism.

PRAYER: Saint Monica, you were corrected when on the course of sin and humbly accepted; help us who are sinners to accept the rebukes we so richly deserve and need in order to save our souls. Amen

August 27: Saint Joseph Calasanctius, Patron of Schools

Joseph Calasanctius - from his earliest years gave signs of his future love for children and their education. For, when still a little child, he would gather other children around him and would teach them the mysteries of the faith and holy prayer.

He was deeply learned in sacred and profane (i.e. secular) letters, What better way to grow up than by not only learning about the faith and prayer but teaching others. Indeed here is a man, whose life should be imitated by all. Further on the Breviary recounts: Although he was the superior of the whole Order, he devoted himself with all his might to the salvation of souls, but he never ceased teaching children, especially the poorer classes, and would sweep out their school-rooms, and was accustomed to escort them from their homes.

As we prepare to enter another school year, let us pray to this patron of schools to guide us in this most important task of educating children. Fathers, especially should pray, because it is their job to teach their children, especially through good example.

PRAYER: Saint Joseph, bless us as we enter another school year, that we may learn and increase in virtue.Amen.

If you dont believe these are true check this site out.... www.saints.catholicresearch.org

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