17 July 2008

Blog # 40 or Holy Cow! You Mean I've Lasted this long???

Ok Ok...I know...Forgot Yesterday...But It's ok....I've lasted what is now 40 Blogs . Ten away from #50 ( insert trumpet fanfare , small children crying , women fainting and dogs howling here ) . Thursday Is just 24 hours away from the long awaited Sequel of " Batman Begins " ....." The Dark Knight " - Starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine , William Hurt and Heath Ledger ( Rest In Peace ) . Many People say that Hollywood is Cashing In on Ledgers Death, which as we all know in Hollywood ( Never Happens anyway ) The Fact is....Ledger Died AFTER he Finished " The Dark Knight " and was preparing for a role that was darker than His Joker Role. So To say they're cashing in on it..is NOT TRUE. May I remind everyone that although Brandon Lee ( son of Bruce Lee ) was killed during filming the film " The Crow " due to an unfortunate accident with a gun that was supposed to have blanks. THEY DID THE MOVIE AFTER HE WAS KILLED , and It was Great. So, let the naysayers say and the conspiracy theorists talk all they want If anyone is to blame its the Prescription Meds that killed him.

Remember this - " Drugs are bad, M'kay "

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I still need Ideas for my 50th Blog , send your thoughts to abstraktrt@gmail.com

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